目录 搜索 Introduction Your NoteExpress Library Part Ⅰ: Adding References Add Local PDF Documents Online Search Import from Other Software Web Importer Mannually Create an Entry Part Ⅱ: Organizing References Find the Duplicate Use the Default Filters Tags and Filtering Manage Attachments Use Search to Retrieve References Search within the Database Attachments Read, Highlight & Annotate Use Smart Folders Part Ⅲ: Writing & Citing What's NoteExpress Plugin? Install NoteExpress Plugin Insert a Citation Citation Styles Generate a Bibliography Change Citation Styles Merge Citations and Add Multiple Citations Edit Citations Relocate the bibliography Insert Sections and Create Bibliographies Part Ⅳ: Data Analysing 暂无相关搜索结果! 本文档使用 MinDoc 发布 Insert Sections and Create Bibliographies